Monday 25 February 2008

Shown here is a foreign homeless person in despair and the pohotograph conveys his helplessness and loneliness. I took this photograph on the streets of London outside the Victoria and Albert Museum.

The second photograph shows the homeless man with all his surroundings made visible, so the viewer may see he is not in fact completely alone: there is a couple walking by, ignoring his plight, and his hand is covering his face - not just as a gesture of despair, but in order to hide his face due to his shame when confronted by the stares of the affluent passersby. The contrast between rich and poor in UK society is thus graphically illustrated.

Depicted here is a caring mother and child in an urban environment.

The full image reveals a gang of youths -the much stereotyped so-called asbo gang with hoodies and a young man. The signs also suggest certain connotations. For instance, "Red Route" may be suggesting a blood-stained path. Also, the bill board entitled "Lost Children" could refer to the young boys who are suffering from "lost childhood" as they have no one to care for them and they are forced to grow up on the streets

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