Saturday 1 March 2008

The use of post production in photography is not a new phenomenon. In fact. the earliest photographers , such as Man Ray, used dark room processes to create entirely new images from original photographs. Shots taken using multiple layers are created when the negative is exposed more than once.

A photograph I took is shown here. It was taken on 6 by 7 medium format camera with a 37ml fisheye lens which causes even more distortion. A photograph of a war memorial close up and then another photograph of the same memorial showing its location

A photo montage produced in CS3. The photograph that I first took shows the CCTV tower. I inverted the colour band into infra red heat artistic style with filters and then, once I had the final image, I cut out the cameras and duplicated them three times AS well as this, I took another photograph of eyes and layered them on top of the camera lenses but the photograph I had to put through the filters in the same way

On the left hand side you can see how I constructed the image through layering

The overall image that I was trying to replicate connoting the very controversial issue of state power and surveillance in which UK citizens live these days for the UK has more cameras per square mile than anywhere else in the world so that whenever one leaves one's home in the UK one is likely to be filmed on CCTV more than 10 times before one returns
. The adding of the eyes connotes "Big Brother" and paranoia

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